the first blog post on this site! i'm actually very excited about that. this website was practically thrown together in an evening, and it shows, but it serves its purpose for what it is. i actually got a new PC yesterday, but it seems like a crime to use an expensive gaming computer for my little website. i did the ABOUT page, but i'll introduce myself & the site (again).
i'm lýkaion, a werewolf. i consider myself both otherkin & therian, as well as a clinical lycanthrope. i'm currently coming to grips with that and may talk about it here. i'd also like to have other nonhumans talk on here, maybe do interviews or something. we'll see. mostly i'll study mythology, and how those themes are common in fictional lycans, but also sometimes influence IRL delusions. though sometimes mythology is completely irrelevant to someone's lived experiences. so that's fun.
my mental health has been pretty fragile lately. which explains why i'm going through this stuff, and also making a blog so i can process it. it makes more sense if i can read it back to myself, i think. hopefully sharing will help other people, too.